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Polly is a freelance writer, speaker, educator, feminist, and mother.

She is a contributor to The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Daily Life, Women's Agenda and 10Daily, and also has work published in SBS Life, The Saturday Paper, The Big Smoke, and MumLifeProject.

Her writing and speaking focuses on feminism, education, and parenting, but she has opinions on, and frequently rants about, pretty much everything.

Polly is an experienced educator, and teaches English and Drama to high school students. In 2010, she brought Jay Z and The Oprah Winfrey Show to Canterbury Boys High School and secured the largest single donation to a public school in NSW.

She is currently enjoying the thrills and spills (oh, the spills) of parenting two young children.

Polly Dunning
The Saturday Paper 19 September 2020
The Big Smoke 10 June 2020
10 daily 10 January 2020
Sydney Morning Herald 18 July 2019
Sydney Morning Herald 18 July 2019
Sydney Morning Herald 15 April 2021

© 2019 by Polly Dunning

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